Northwest Radio Control Club

Welcome to the Poplar Creek Flying Field and to the Northwest Radio Control Club! As a
member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA #261), we are a non-profit organization
who love to build and fly all types of model aircraft. We follow both AMA safety guidelines and
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates as we practice and improve our flying skills,
and share the fun of model aviation with others!
As a member of the Northwest Radio Control Club (NWRCC), you will join a group of like
minded individuals that meet at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of every month at Pioneer
Park, Arlington Heights. Here, club members discuss old and new club business, share safety
tips, and highlight some of their latest flying creations with a show and tell session! If you have
some knowledge to share, we are all ears, and if you need some help with modeling or radio
setup, we have many experienced members who would be glad to help you. Raffle prizes,
special presentations, and our Family Fun Fly and Lunch compliment our meetings.
At the field, in addition to flying just for the fun of it, members can participate in contests
designed to help improve your flying skills. These dates are announced in advance and are
generally on a Sunday morning. You will find a Northwest flyer on the field most mornings
weather permitting. Be sure to introduce yourself!
AMA Membership is a Forrest Preserve requirement to fly at the Poplar Creek Flying Field, but
joining our club and getting to know our club members and attending our monthly meetings are
good ways to build not only skill and safety but also camaraderie and new friendships. Here is
what is required:
- A first year Northwest R/C Club membership is discounted to $30.00
- Yearly Adult Northwest R/C Club membership $60

- Youth Membership (18 and under) $20.00 per year
AMA Membership Number and Card (Required by the Forrest Preserve and Northwest Flyers).
NWRCC President: Robert Schaefer, 690-329-5126
Treasurer: Ron Blum, 847-650-7059
Secretary: Mike Jones, 847-997-8281
NWRC was founded in 1958 by Paul Wendt, Frank Soto, Gene Sauter and Guy Nigeria.  It has been an AMA chartered club for over 60 years. Back then they used a private field one and a half miles North of Lake Cook Road off Route 83 in Buffalo Grove.
Currently NWRC uses Popular Creek Flying Field in Hoffman Estates. It is located on the south side of Shoe Factory Rd. one mile east of Bartlett Rd.